Psychological First Aid (PFA) – Self-Paced

Online Self-Paced

Pat Omidian
Pat Omidian

Introducing Psychological First Aid – the revolutionary peer-based process designed for anyone who knows how to listen well. Whether you’re a professional or not, PFA is what you need when disaster strikes. This process replaces Critical Incidence Debriefing and relies on our natural healing processes.

At the heart of PFA is the art of listening – the right way, the deep way, the human way. And that’s exactly what our PFA course is all about. We’re excited to offer you evidence-based techniques that support people in times of crisis through four easy-to-follow modules.

Each module features short, informative videos that take you through the process step-by-step. We also provide downloadable activity sheets to help you practice your newfound skills. And for those who want to dive even deeper, we offer links to open-source manuals and other documents.

The best part? PFA is easy to practice and easy to share. You can use these techniques to support friends, family, or even complete strangers in times of need. And with our PFA course, you’ll be fully equipped to handle any crisis that comes your way.

So if you’re ready to become a better listener and support those in need, sign up for our Psychological First Aid course today! Click here!