12 Years Later, PSS Training Continues to Support Change
The walled city of Multan, Pakistan, is a warren of narrow streets where the rays of sun seldom reach. Yes, before 1947, when the city was inhabited by the Sikh and Hindu business community, it was thriving with merchants, shops and more spacious family homes. […]
Lessons from a Group Facilitator
An Interview with Anna Willman, in conversation with Dana Hercbergs I met Anna in 2021 through the Focusing community and occasionally attended her weekly Saturday Listening Space, an online peer support group. Her facilitation style melds her own grounded attention with her wonderful sense of […]
Creating Space for Community
Each of us lives in community. Our family is our first one. In Focusing, we learn to create a space of radical acceptance for our inner community. FII is now offering a series of bi-monthly gatherings “Creating Space for Community”, to explore concepts around inner/outer community […]
My Fear is My Friend
We have learned a lot about fear these past few years. It’s a very powerful reaction that comes from many different directions and in many forms. The pandemic, storms, droughts, climate change, political unrest, wars… Of course we are justified in being afraid. Fear is […]
Our Psychosocial Support Courses are now Self-paced and Online
Finally, we did it! We converted our in-person and online webinar coursesfor Psychosocial Support and Community Wellness (PSSCW) and Psychological First Aid into self-paced (work at your own speed) courses that you can access from any device. These courses bring together many of my favorite […]
Focusing and Art Club Changed My Life
Focusing showed me how to process my emotions and my experience in the world in a way that I had not done before. I wanted to share Focusing with my friends so that we could grow alongside each other and support each other. At the […]